
資料類型: CD 光碟   書目號:37272
書  名情定百老匯
作  者Michael,Jeffrey.
出 版 商Jongo Records
出版日期c & p 2004.
稽 核 項1 sound disc (1 hr., 11 min.); digital; 4 3/4 in.
標  題New Age music.
標  題Motion picture music.
標  題Piano music.
附  註Compact disc.
附  註Recorded at Fireheart Music Productions in Novi, MI, October 11, 12, and 13, 1998.
附  註Fireheart Music issued under exclusive license from ST Music Internation."
附  註SDB20069.
內 容 註Sailing to the stars,Titanic,Forrest Gump,Don't cry for me, Argentina,Chariots of fire,Memory from "Cats",Braveheart,Can you feel the love tonight (from "The lion king"),River Canyon,Classical dream,Sailing to the stars (Reprise)
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