A monster calls /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:46665
書  名A monster calls /
作  者Patrick Ness ; inspired by an idea fromSiobhan Dowd
出 版 項Candlewick Pr; 2016
稽 核 項225 pages :; illustrations ;; 20 cm
標  題Self-actualization (Psychology)
標  題Monsters
標  題Mothers and sons
標  題Schools
標  題Single-parent families
標  題Breast
標  題Loss (Psychology)
標  題Self-actualization (Psychology)
標  題Monsters
標  題Mothers and sons
標  題Schools
標  題Single-parent families
標  題Breast
標  題Loss (Psychology)
標  題Breast
標  題Loss (Psychology)
標  題Monsters.
標  題Mothers and sons.
標  題Schools.
標  題Self-actualization (Psychology)
標  題Single-parent families.
標  題England
標  題England
標  題England.
標  題Young adult fiction.
標  題Fiction.
標  題Juvenile works.
標  題Young adult works.
摘 要 註Thirteen-year-old Conor awakens one night to find amonster outside his bedroom window, but not the one fromthe recurring nightmare that began when his mother becameill--an ancient, wild creature that wants him to facetruth and loss
版  次First U.S. edition in this format
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